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The Division of Respirology fulfills our mission by collaborating with many divisions and services including genetics, lab and specimen collection centres, exercise and nutrition, infection control, endocrinology, general surgery, gastroenterology, otolaryngology, infectious diseases, adolescent medicine, complex care, pediatric psychiatry, and pharmacy.
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Joanne Cook
Divisional Assistant
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Pediatric residents and fellows rotate through the Division of Respirology to gain broad exposure to respiratory diseases in children. Teaching involves a combination of both didactic and in-clinic and on-ward consults, and teaching around cases while supported by a lean but dedicated support staff. Our team includes a cystic fibrosis nurse coordinator; nurse practitioner in respirology, allergy and immunology; registered practical nurse, physiotherapist, dietician, social worker and child life specialist.
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The Division of Respirology delivers care to the pediatric populations in our region through services provided at McMaster Children’s Hospital.
Expandable List
The services of the Division of Respirology encompass the assessment and management of the following patient populations:
- The second largest cystic fibrosis (CF) clinic in Ontario
- One of five Ontario newborn screening clinics for cystic fibrosis
- Cystic fibrosis-screen positive indeterminate diagnosis clinic
- Non-invasive ventilation
- Sickle cell disease-related lung disease
- Primary ciliary dyskinesia
- Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- General respirology conditions
- Difficult to treat asthma
- Sleep disordered breathing
- Aerodigestive disease
- Development of a transition program for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, with teaching materials
- In the process of outlining a transition program through developmental age groups for CF
- RSV and CF collaboration to immunize all CF patients < 1 year
- Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) as an outpatient using specimen collection centre and decreased use of medical daycare
- CF admission order set
- CF infection control policy that meets the standard of care guidelines for CF across Canada
- Securing access to a compassionate supply of the newest gene modulator therapy that is not available in Canada for pediatric patient
- Collaborative care models such as:
- Joint complex care/respirology ventilation clinic
- Joint sickle cell disease/respirology clinic
- Sleep medicine services at the St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
- New sleep medicine clinics
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The Division of Respirology engages in research initiatives that encompass a wide range of research areas.
Expandable List
- Effect of exercise on inflammation in chronic pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis (CF)
- Metabolomics – sweat & stratification of NBS patient and long-term outcomes
- NBS / CF-SPID – long-term clinical implications /outcomes
- Canadian CF database
- Inflammatory changes in the gut while on gene modulator therapy
- Mental health and chronic disease
- Gene modulator therapy and outcomes
- Ventilation and use of technology in the pediatric population
- Exercise physiology in sickle cell disease
- Central sleep apnea in the pediatric population
Contact Us
Faculty Directory
Information Box Group
Linda Pedder
Staff Directory
Information Box Group
Joanne Cook
Divisional Assistant